Coca-cola would be green if coloring weren't added to it!!

PLAYING WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scottish artist David Mach loves playing with fire.
He makes animal sculptures with matches. The sculptures cost more than 20000 euros, but some people buy them and ask David Mach to burn them. "It's over in a few seconds", he says.
Some people have money to burn!

5 comentaris:
Lol! The green Coke is "classic"
This cola it's very cool, I can't belive it! I want one of this! The lion is very nice too.
I don't think so Adrià!!!! It's very special!
You didn't see the words "classic" and "free"?
Green free classic coke for everyone!
Mmmm it is more beautiful the green cokecoke! LOL the coke is green, i didn't see. Hahaha
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